Antenatal classes
Why choose us?
You are probably wondering ‘What makes Pregnancy to Parenthood different from other Antenatal classes?’
As Midwives we have had many opportunities to speak to families after the birth and into the postnatal period. For many of these new parents, despite taking antenatal classes with a range of different providers, there were many things that came up over and over again. ‘Why didn’t we know about this?’ ‘No-one informed about that?’ ‘We had no idea that the process was going to be like that’, etc. It was with all of this in mind that I created the Pregnancy to Parenthood antenatal classes. Classes that not only go over all of the usual information to prepare you, but which also explains the protocols, processes and reality of childbirth in the NHS.
However, as an advocate for positive experiences in childbirth we also include how to make sure that whatever road your pregnancy and birth leads you down, results in a positive experience. I am here throughout not only the course, but until after you have had your baby. I cannot give you clinical advice, but am here to guide and advise you and to help you to have honest and open conversations with your healthcare providers to ensure that you have the best experience for you and your baby.

Antenatal Course Schedule
Week 1
Introduction to Pregnancy to Parenthood, get to know your group, preparing for birth, what to pack in your hospital bag, birth plans and getting ready to go, preparing your body, perineal massage and breathing techniques.
Week 2
When is term, natural ways to start labour, what is a sweep, induction of labour, shared decision making and when to go to hospital, pain relief options & massage.
Week 3
Early labour, changes to your body, the role of the partner, active labour, active birth, rotation of the baby, mode of delivery and the placenta.
Week 4
What happens in the hours following birth, skin to skin, bonding and breastfeeding/feeding your baby.
Week 5
Now you are home, how to care for your newborn, local support, and future care. We will also cover mental health and postnatal depression.
The meet up
Once all your babies have been born, we arrange another session in a local venue where everyone has the chance to meet the newest additions to the Pregnancy to Parenthood family!
What’s included?
Five evening group sessions in a comfortable, local venue.
Your Course Booklet will contain all the information you’ll learn throughout the course in an easy to use wire-bound booklet. The booklets have plenty of pages for you to make your own notes and are also writable so you can annotate if you like!
Social media support groups where you can socialise with other members of your group and support each other throughout this experience.
Small group sessions! Each course will have a maximum of twelve couples. By limiting the amount of people in the class, we are able to tailor classes better to suit the group and couples tend to find a more intimate experience beneficial.
Support from your course teacher, a practising midwife who understands the system and can provide up to date and realistic, information and advice, whenever you need.
The ‘Postnatal Meet Up’. So we can all meet the new additions to the Pregnancy to Parenthood Family!

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