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What’s the plan now?

March 19, 2024

So, you’re having a baby!


Now… What is the plan?

As a mum and a midwife, once that positive test was my reality, my mental planning went into overdrive. The elation of a positive test was closely balanced with apprehension and caution of sharing our news ‘too soon’. This was then followed by the dreams where I would plan the shape of our lives together. Within all the emotion (and physical side effects of early pregnancy), the invisible pregnancy plan had commenced.

But where do you start on your pregnancy plan?

There are the practical aspects, which with a quick Google search you can find hundreds of variations of ‘essential items’. And whilst this is handy, what is essential for one will be unused and listed on Marketplace for a fraction of the cost for others. Choosing the real fundamental items of caring for your baby is much more simple, and equally satisfying. They will need:

  • A sleep space and blanket – and it can be helpful to have one in your bedroom and one in your main living space.
  • A car seat – helps you take your brand new family member home from the hospital!
  • Changing facilities – a changing mat, nappies and cleansing products such as cotton wool, reusable wipes or baby wipes when their skin has had time to adjust.
  • Feeding equipment – if breastfeeding this is reduced however there really is a product for everything.
  • Clothes and blankets – I saved the cutest bit until last.

Obviously this list is minimalist – but these are the things you really need for your brand new baby. Everything else you choose to prepare is a bonus, but take your time shop around and ask your friends what they would recommend.

Ok, now you think you’re prepared?

Wait! There are so many other things you can think about before your baby arrives. A new baby rocks your home, your inner being and your world!

  1. Prioritise spending time together.  Do things that give you belly laughs and spark joy. I highly recommend the amusement arcades for some light-hearted, competitive fun.
  2. Practice self-care and build it into your day. There are so many variations of self-care so whatever helps you feel good. Being outdoors in nature, journaling, a massage. A little something for you and your headspace.
  3. Do some early days survival research – this can come in the form of food subscriptions, baby slings and wraps suitable to use for newborns or investing in a new water bottle to keep yourself hydrated.
  4. Prepare your body, resting when you need to is as important as keeping active. Join local pregnancy classes, join a walking group or book a spa day!
  5. Get educated! Invest in good quality antenatal education to ensure you know the how, why and when; gain tools to navigate through labour, birth and those early days with your baby; and make friends with other ‘parents to be’ to share all the moments where you are seeking clarity and the milestones. Check out our award winning Antenatal Classes.

As always in life, we all rank different things as our top priority! I hope this helps you with your pregnancy plan! Keep up to date with more pregnancy tips and information by following us on Instagram (opens in new tab)!

written by by Becky Haydock!

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